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Nephrolithiasis Recurrence Prevention in Adults | epocrates Guideline Synthesis
Key Points
↑fluids and meds both reduce recurrence. Eighty percent of adults w/ stones have Ca++ stone type. If Ca++ stone w/ high urine Ca++: Limit Na+ and ensure adequate Ca++ in diet. If high-risk, first-time stone former, or if recurrence despite fluids/diet: Consider drugs. Stone and urine analyses may help guide med tx, but evidence is weak.
Choose Patient Type
Peer-reviewed and based on multiple guidelines and recommendations from specialty societies/government agencies.
Epocrates Guideline Synopsis Last Update: Jul 15, 2024
Publication Year:
ACP Recommendation Type
[SR] Strong recommendation
[WR] Weak recommendation
ACP Evidence Quality
[H] High-quality evidence
[M] Moderate-quality evidence
[L] Low-quality evidence
[I] Insufficient evidence to determine net risk/benefit
AUA Evidence Strength
[A] High-evidence strength
[B] Moderate-evidence strength
[C] Low-evidence strength
[CP] Clinical principle
[EO] Expert opinion
AUA Statement Type
[S] Standard
[R] Recommendation
[O] Option
EAU Evidence Level (1-4)
[1a] Meta-analysis of RCTs
[1b] ≥1 RCT
[2a] 1 well-designed, nonrandomized controlled study
[2b] ≥1 well-designed, other type quasi-experimental study
[3] ell-designed, nonexperimental studies (comparisons/correlations/cases)
[4] Expert committee reports/opinions or clinical experience of respected authorities
EAU Recommendation Strength
[Strong] Indicates a high degree of evidence quality and/or a favourable balance of benefit to harm and patient preference
[Weak] Indicates availability of lower quality evidence, and/or equivocal balance between benefit and harm, and uncertainty or variabil
ACP American College of Physicians
AHA acetohydroxamic acid
AUA American Urological Association
ADR adverse drug reaction
ADPKD autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
bicarb bicarbonate
Ca++ calcium
Cl chloride
Cx culture
EUA European Association of Urology
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
HPT hyperparathyroid
HTN hypertension
infxn infection
K+ potassium
mod moderate
mono-tx monotherapy
Mg++ magnesium
Na+ sodium
NL normal
PTH parathyroid hormone
phos phosphate
RTA renal tubular acidosis
sx symptoms
UCa++ urine calcium
UCx urine culture
US ultrasound
UTI urinary tract infection