A 66-yo woman with hx of diverticular disease, HTN, CKD, and amaurosis fugax had a colonoscopy following a positive fecal occult blood test. Findings were red, bleeding linear lesions in the ascending colon. Biopsies were normal. What is it?
Ischemia bowel
Irritable bowel syndrome
Ingested foreign body
Cat scratch colon
C difficile colitis
You are correct. Cat scratch colon describes bright, linear red markings in the colonic mucosa and is thought to be caused by barotrauma from air insufflation during colonoscopy. The presence of collagenous colitis may contribute to the risk of such barotrauma. Typically, these lesions are histologically normal and asymptomatic. Scope trauma, hemorrhagic colitis, and colonic perforation may have a similar appearance.