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COPD Exacerbation: 2024 GOLD Guideline | epocrates Synopsis
Key Points
Exacerbation is acute resp sx (e.g., SOB, cough) worsening over <14 days. Rule out other causes (HF, pneumonia, PE). Assess severity and need for hospitalization. Roughly 80% managed as outpts. Initial tx: inhaled bronchodilators (SABA +/- SAMA). Abx when indicated. Give systemic steroids for ≤5 days. Venturi mask preferred for oxygenation vs. nasal prongs. If ventilation needed, use noninvasive first. Test for SARS-CoV-2 if any sx could be COVID-19 related, even if sx mild. Tx goal: Minimize negative impact of current exacerbation and prevent subsequent events.
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GOLD. Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 2024 Report.
Epocrates Guideline Synopsis Last Update: Jan 30, 2024
Publication Year:
GOLD - Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
Evidence Category
[A] RCTs—rich, high-quality evidence
[B] RCTs—important limitations, limited body of evidence
[C] Nonrandomized trials, observational studies
[D] Panel consensus judgment based on clinical experience
Δ MS change in mental status
ABG arterial blood gas
abx antibiotics
BD bronchodilator
BNP B-type natriuretic peptide
CAT COPD assessment test
CHF congestive heart failure
CRP C-reactive protein
CT computed tomography
cx culture
d/c discharge
DDx differential diagnosis
DPI dry powder inhaler
ECG electrocardiogram
echo echocardiogram
exac exacerbation(s)
f/u follow-up
FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 second
FiO2 fraction of inspired oxygen
GNR gram-negative rod
HF heart failure
LABA long-acting beta-2 agonist
LAMA long-acting antimuscarinic antagonist
MDI metered-dose inhaler
mgmt management
MICU medical intensive care unit
mMRC modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale
MS mental status
NEB nebulizer
NIV noninvasive ventilation
outpt outpatient
PaCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide
PE pulmonary embolism
pt patient
RA room air
resp respiratory
SABA short-acting beta-2 agonist
SAMA short-acting antimuscarinic antagonist
SaO2 oxygen saturation of arterial blood
SOB shortness of breath
SpO2 oxygen saturation measured via pulse oximetry
VAS visual analog scale
VBG venous blood gas
VTE venous thromboembolism