Infants weighing 5 kg 11 lb Avoid using two 50 mg nirsevimab doses Prioritize using 100 mg doses in those at highest risk of severe RSV dz 1 nbsp Infants

By rray, 31 October, 2023
Detail (Long)
<b>Infants weighing ≥5 kg (≥11 lb):</b> Avoid using two 50-mg nirsevimab doses. Prioritize using 100-mg doses in those at highest risk of severe RSV dz:<sup>1</sup><br>
&nbsp;◦ Infants <6 mo<br>
&nbsp;◦ American Indian and Alaska Native infants <8 mo<br>
&nbsp;◦ Infants 6 mo to <8 mo w/ conditions that place them at high risk of severe RSV dz: premature birth at <29 wk gestation, chronic lung dz of prematurity, hemodynamically significant congenital heart dz, severe immunocompromise, severe cystic fibrosis (either manifestations of severe lung dz or wt-for-length <10th percentile), neuromuscular dz, or congenital pulmonary abnormalities that impair ability to clear secretions