F u BMD testing in transgender and gender nonconforming individuals should be done when results are likely to influence pt mgmt Examples include 6 nbsp nbsp Low bone density nbsp nbsp Individuals taking tx to suppress puberty such as GnRH analogs nbsp nbs

By rray, 14 December, 2023
Detail (Long)
F/u BMD testing in transgender and gender nonconforming individuals should be done when results are likely to influence pt mgmt. Examples include:<sup>6</sup><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Low bone density<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Individuals taking tx to suppress puberty, such as GnRH analogs<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Nonadherence w/ or inadequate doses of gender-affirming hormone tx<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Plan to d/c gender-affirming hormone tx<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Presence of other risks for bone loss or fragility fx<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Individualize BMD testing intervals based on pt’s clinical status: typically, q1-2y until BMD is stable or improved is appropriate, w/ longer intervals thereafter