F u BMD testing in transgender and gender nonconforming individuals should be done when results are likely to influence pt mgmt Examples include 11 nbsp nbsp Low bone density nbsp nbsp Individuals taking tx to suppress puberty such as GnRH analogs nbsp nb

By rray, 14 December, 2023
Detail (Long)
F/u BMD testing in transgender and gender nonconforming individuals should be done when results are likely to influence pt mgmt. Examples include:<sup>11</sup><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Low bone density<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Individuals taking tx to suppress puberty, such as GnRH analogs<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Nonadherence w/ or inadequate doses of gender-affirming hormone tx<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Plan to d/c gender-affirming hormone tx<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Presence of other risks for bone loss or fragility fx<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Individualize BMD testing intervals based on pt’s clinical status: typically, q1-2y until BMD is stable or improved is appropriate, w/ longer intervals thereafter