Give long acting inhaled BD combo LABA LAMA plus short acting rescue BD inhaled is preferred vs oral A LABAs and LAMAs improve dyspnea reduce exac rate A LAMAs reduce exac A and hospitalizations B more than LABAs combos more effective than mono tx B Tailo

By rray, 22 February, 2024
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<sup>1</sup> <b>Brief cessation counseling:</b><br>
• <b>Ask</b> tobacco users about tobacco use at every visit; use office-wide identification system.<br>
• <b>Advise</b> quitting, in a clear, strong, personalized manner.<br>
• <b>Assess</b> willingness to quit, determine when (e.g., w/in next 30 days).<br>
• <b>Assist</b> w/ quit plan, including practical counseling, exploring social support, prescribing pharm tx, educational resources.<br>
• <b>Arrange</b> f/u in person or via phone, etc.
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<b>Give long-acting inhaled BD combo (LABA+LAMA) plus short-acting rescue BD; inhaled is preferred vs. oral [A].</b> LABAs and LAMAs improve dyspnea, reduce exac rate [A]. LAMAs reduce exac [A]and hospitalizations [B]more than LABAs; combos more effective than mono-tx [B]. Tailor choice of inhaler to pt’s ability and preference. Single-inhaler tx may be more effective/convenient than multiple inhalers and improves compliance.