Mammography benefits 11 nbsp nbsp Screening mammography reduces breast CA specific mortality for pts 60 69 yo solid evidence and for pts 50 59 yo fair evidence based on RCTs nbsp nbsp Recent pop studies question the benefits of screened populations who pa

By rray, 17 June, 2024
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<b>Mammography benefits:</b><sup>11</sup><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Screening mammography reduces breast CA–specific mortality for pts 60-69 yo (solid evidence) and for pts 50-59 yo (fair evidence), based on RCTs.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Recent pop studies question the benefits of screened populations who participate in screening for longer duration.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Pts 30-49 yo: 1,904 pts needed to prevent 1 breast CA death.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Pts 50-59 yo: 1,339 pts needed to prevent 1 breast CA death.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Pts 60-69 yo: 377 pts needed to prevent 1 breast CA death.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ The validity of meta-analyses showing a mortality benefit is limited by improvements in medical imaging and tx in the decades since their completion.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ The 25-yr f/u from the Canadian National Breast Screening Study (CNBSS) RCT completed in 2014 showed no mortality benefit assoc w/ mammography screening.