Consider risk for adverse health events due to pregnancy Medical conditions that might make pregnancy an unacceptable health risk include nbsp nbsp CA breast endometrial ovarian hepatoma nbsp nbsp Neph CKD w nephrotic syndrome on hemodialysis or on perito

By rray, 3 September, 2024
Detail (Long)
Consider risk for adverse health events due to pregnancy. Medical conditions that might make pregnancy an unacceptable health risk include:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>CA:</b> breast, endometrial, ovarian, hepatoma<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>Neph:</b> CKD w/ nephrotic syndrome, on hemodialysis, or on peritoneal dialysis<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>CV/Resp:</b> DVT/PE, HTN (systolic ≥160 or diastolic ≥100 mm Hg), IHD, peripartum cardiomyopathy, complicated valvular heart dz, CF, stroke<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>Hepatic:</b> hepatocellular adenoma, schistosomiasis w/ liver fibrosis, decompensated cirrhosis<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>DM:</b> insulin-dependent; >20-yr duration; or w/ nephropathy/retinopathy/neuropathy/other vascular dz<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>Surgery hx:</b> bariatric surgery in past 2y, solid organ txp in past 2y<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>ID:</b> HIV (not clinically well or not on ART); TB; schistosomiasis w/ liver fibrosis<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>Neuro:</b> epilepsy, DM neuropathy, stroke<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>Heme:</b> sickle cell dz, thrombogenic mutations<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ <b>Other:</b> GTD, SLE<br>