For pts meeting dx criteria<sup>5</sup> w/ a single episode of GAS pharyngitis shortly after tx:

By rray, 10 November, 2014
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<sup>5</sup> Dx: Swab throat for GAS rapid antigen test (RADT) and/or throat cx (TC) in pts w/ s/sx of GAS unless overt viral sx (rhinorrhea/cough/ulcers/hoarseness) present [S/H]. F/U neg RADT w/ TC in child/adolescent [S/H], but not in adult [S/M]. Do not use ASO titer to dx acute GAS [S/H]. RADT/TC not indicated in pts <3 yo, unless symptomatic household/daycare contact [S/M]. F/U (post-tx) RADT/TC not routinely recommended [S/H]. Testing or tx of asymptomatic contacts not routinely recommended [S/M].<br><br><sup>6</sup> GAS resistance to macrolides seen in some areas.
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