Personal hx of breast CA w specific features nbsp nbsp Age 50 yo nbsp nbsp Tx indications for triple neg breast CA multiple primary breast CAs or lobular breast CA w personal fam hx of diffuse gastric CA nbsp nbsp Male nbsp nbsp Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry

By rray, 14 June, 2024
Detail (Long)
Personal hx of breast CA w/ specific features:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Age ≤50 yo<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Tx indications for triple-neg breast CA, multiple primary breast CAs, or lobular breast CA w/ personal/fam hx of diffuse gastric CA<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Male<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;◦ FHx: ≥1 close blood relative w/ breast CA at age ≤50 yo, male breast CA, ovarian CA, pancreatic CA, or metastatic or high-risk prostate CA; ≥3 diagnoses of breast/prostate CA on same side of family; 1st- or 2nd-deg relative meeting above criteria; or >5% prob of <i>BRCA1/2</i> P/LP variant based on risk model (Tyrer-Cuzick, BRCAPRO, CanRisk)<br><br>