Inhaled BD1 for COPD Group A2 pts

By vgreene, 14 February, 2017
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<sup>1</sup> Drugs limited to those available in U.S., listed in alpha order. Regular and prn SAMA and SABA use improves FEV<sub>1</sub> and sx [A]. LABAs and LAMAs improve dyspnea, reduce exac rate [A].<br><b>• Not recommended:</b> antitussives [C], long-term oral/inhaled steroid monotherapy [A], theophylline [B], vasodilators [B], benzodiazepines. Insufficient evidence for music or breath relaxation tx.<br>
• No COPD med has conclusively been shown to modify lung-function decline long-term.
<sup>2</sup> <b>Group A</b>=few sx, low exac risk. <b>Exac</b>=acute worsening (beyond day-to-day variation) leading to change in medication.
<sup>3</sup> Brief cessation counseling:<br>
<b>• Ask</b> about tobacco use @ every visit for tobacco users; use office-wide identification system<br>
<b>• Advise</b> quitting in a clear, strong, personalized manner<br>
<b>• Assess</b> willingness to quit, determine when (eg, w/in next 30 days)<br>
<b>• Assist</b> w/ quit plan, including practical counseling, exploring social support, prescribing pharmaco-tx, educational resources<br>
<b>• Arrange</b> f/u in person or via phone, etc
<sup>4</sup> Common comorbidities include CV dz, skeletal muscle dysfxn, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety, lung CA.
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Inhaled BD<sup>1</sup> for COPD Group A<sup>2</sup> pts